Friday, April 26, 2019

One Week

One week

One week from today
I’ll be done here

One week from today
I’ll sleep in my own bed
in a place I can call home

but today
today, while I’m still in a place
where help is just a push of a button away
where someone is paid
to tend to my needs
and assist with my deficiencies
today, while I’m still in this place
I feel safe

Weeks ago,
my physical situation was dire
today I’ve improved
and seem to be improving every day
over the next months
I’ll continue to work for the same

but in this moment,
releasing me one week from today
from the safety of hospital confines
to a home, beautiful though it may be
feels abrupt

today, I yearn to be at home
because I long to embrace regular life
out of a hospital
alongside the beautiful people
who are creating a family with me
yet still it frightens me to think of leaving
the security of this place

but today, and for the next week
fear and excitement exist alongside one another


  1. Praying for God to releive your anxious mind, and FILL your heart to bursting with the warm welcome home you are bound to receive!

  2. Amazingly your journey is very similar to a young friend...actually son of my friends, who had a skiing accident in France a little over a year ago. His determination and hard work plus a lot of inner work and support from his "village" have produced healing not thought possible a year ago. He has been off and on at Craig in Denver. So, I hear you when you share your thoughts, and I am cheering you on in thought and prayer!
