Friday, April 27, 2012

Bishop's Election, Synod Assembly Edition, Part Two

This morning, we heard thoughts and musings, dreams and stories from the eight remaining candidates for Bishop of the Rocky Mountain Synod of the ELCA ~ and then we voted.  The results will be in after lunch, at which time we may have a bishop-elect ... but more likely is that we'll be gearing up for another round of voting.

Of the remaining eight candidates, they took eight very distinct approaches to their time at the microphone, which I imagine would be indicative of the distinct approaches they woudl take to the ministry of the office fo Bishop.

I voted for one (like I was supposed to do), and identified three who I would like to see move through to the next round of voting.  One of the three I expected to like before voting started, one I was completely unfamiliar with, and one of the three really surprised me. 

But even if those aren't the ones who make it through, I hope the next bishop takes seriously the perspectives brought by all of the other candidates, since those perspectives are mirrored among the children of G-d who are voting members of this assembly, as well as by the children of G-d who comprise this synod. 


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