Sunday, June 26, 2011

I can't decide

I can't decide
music, in my computer
crisp, clean,
bass deep and
treble ringing
while on vinyl
scratches and imperfections
muddle what sounds perfect
as mp3

I can't decide
book readers bring me
multiple volumes in a
slim, portable package
every pixel in its place
then, picking up a bound volume
a few pages fall out and
and many others are dog-eared
with pencil marks obscuring
the printed page

I can't decide
from my computer
the library computer,
or my cell phone
I send messages instantly
to be stored in an e-server
probably forever
while ink smudges on
eventually brittle paper
only to arrive at its destination
days later

I can't decide
facebook conversations
are easy ~
I 'like' what I like
and pretend not to see
what I don't
while I bury my face in the
computer screen
doing what I can to
escape or avoid
face-to-face encounters

the perfect and quick
and digitized
has become necessary
but the tangible and imperfect
worn and used
scarred but serviceable
is essential to
our humanity

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