Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Darkness: of Eclipses, or Relationships

It happens

it’s not a secret
            it doesn’t come as a surprise
      it’s obvious to those who
                  allow themselves to pay attention

it would be dark soon

      for some, the darkness is barely noticeable

      for others it’s obvious
                  like a bruised rib
            you can ignore it, but I can’t

      and there are those who couldn’t miss it
            except that their eyes were closed
            except that they kept themselves from seeing
                  the waning light

we who have seen the darkness
            with our own eyes
      felt it
            in our own skin
      experienced it
            at the center of our being
hope that it will pass
            sooner or later

then, as soon as it’s done,
      we wonder when the darkness will return

1 comment:

  1. You do an incredible job of explaining how this feels to those of us who have never been through it. (I've done depression, but never divorce.) Do you remember Elaine Scarry? You remind me of her, but in language that's more accessible.

    I hope that you have some friends up there -- a decent support group. You know what they say to Presbyterian ministers that need friends? You can always befriend a desperate (recently uprooted) Methodist!
