Thursday, March 27, 2014

Lent, Week One

During this season of Lent, I'm writing reflections based on the psalm assigned for each Sunday by the Revised Common Lectionary (look it up, if you want), and sharing those with the congregation I serve when we gather for Evening Prayer on Wednesday evenings. This reflection is from March 12, week one, and is based on Psalm 32.

There’s truth embedded in this psalm
      truth about our human nature
            truth about who we are
            truth about how we make our way through the world

we love, so much, to be right
      to be without fault
            to be blameless
      and when we can’t be faultless,
            we love to at least appear to be

And it eats us up

it tears us up

it rots us from the inside
      like a relational conflict ignored for generations
            that festers as a family feud
                  which no one understands any more
            but still it festers
      until we acknowledge
            where we ourselves fall short of the glory of God
                  appearing, unfortunately but necessarily,
                        no longer without blame

at which point we are open to receive
            instead of condemnation
      we receive respite
            we receive relief
                  we receive grace upon grace
      and a solid place to stand
            from which we find ourselves compelled to share
                  that which we undeservingly
                        have ourselves received

      a return to the Lord our God.

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