I had a conversation with a friend a
long time ago, when I was in college. We were young, we were
idealistic, and we were exploring the places where our philosophical
positions synced up (or didn't) with real life.
The conversation I recall revolved
around sport – particularly around the competitive component of
athletic endeavors.
I was making the point that competition
was necessary because only when we compete with someone else do we
improve our own capabilities. For instance, I can become a decent
basketball player on my own, but I'll never be as good as I could be
if I never played basketball against players who are better than I
My friend was making the point that
competition necessarily produces winners and losers; and that when
there are winners and losers, the community is degraded.
I couldn't disagree with her. At the
same time, I knew that athletic endeavors had the potential to build
community up rather than tearing it apart, provided that everyone
celebrates the achievements of the losers as much as we celebrate the
The trouble, though, is that very few
people do this. So I couldn't actually disagree with her, though at
some level I recognized that there must be someplace I could point to
where both competition and community were valued, where a person
could truly and fully celebrate the achievements of the person they
compete against.
For the past year, I've been working
out at a CrossFit gym – which is where I've discovered what I
didn't know how to talk about when I was in college.
Here's what happens at the CrossFit
gyms I've been in. The class starts by warming up together. Then
much of the time we work on strength-building. At the gym where I
keep my membership, we do our best to partner up with someone who has
similar ability, which allows us to encourage each other.
Then it's time for the Workout of the
Day (known by the acronym WOD). This workout is either doing an
appointed number of repetitions of something as quickly as possible
(how quickly can you do 50 pushups?), or it's how many repetitions
can you do in a certain amount of time (how many pullups can you do
in 8 minutes?)
Obviously some people are going to
either finish much more quickly than other people, or some people are
going to do say more repetitions than other people can. And
obviously what could happen in the gym is that those who finish
quickly or do more reps could celebrate their own success while those
who were not as strong/fast/capable can only wish they were better.
What actually happens, though, is that
the stronger/faster always encourage the weaker/slower, celebrating
their success at working hard and improving their own fitness.
They say that CrossFit is the only
'sport' in which the ones who finish last get the loudest cheers.
And in my experience, the saying holds true – that's what actually
In this way we can compete with one
another while still building up community. In this way we can
recognize the role competition plays in personal improvement. And we
can recognize the truth that competition doesn't have to degrade
community when the goal (instead of winning and losing) is nothing
more than improving the self. Because I know that if I have done my
best, I can celebrate my neighbor doing their best no matter which of
us is 'better' at whatever we were doing that day.
It doesn't happen everywhere - but at
least at CrossFit gyms, competition and cooperation can coexist.